Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Biggest Loser Wednesday Review

The gray team got eliminated last night. I was super glad that Coleen didn't go home. Right now, she's my pick for winning. One of the other contestants even said, if she doesn't get eliminated, she's going to be the biggets loser. But then they didn't vote for her. Don't know what's going on there.

I did think that it was really rotten that Heba and her hubby (from NC, orange) didn't vote for the yellow team after the gray team's vote kept them there last week. Very disappointed in you, Heba. I am also severely annoyed by the brown team. First, they "schemed" not to win the challenge so that they don't appear to be threats. Then, the dude, Brady, totally bit Phillip's (red team) head off for no apparent reason while trying to decide who to eliminate. Even if I am being played by the producers, they're doing a good job of it.

The challenge this week was sliding down the hill and running back up it in a time limit (Coleen did awesome since she had to go every round since her dad is too sick to do it!). How easy is it to sit on the couch and go, "I could do that." That actually crossed my mind and then I bit my tongue, thinking, "Yeah, I could do it, but it would be really hard and it would kick my ass just like it's doing to all the contestants."

BTW: "Faint, puke or die" has become my new mantra. Very inspiring stuff here!


Monday, September 22, 2008


Dress, Sag Harbor; Black belt, Sag Harbor; Cream peep toe flats, George; faux pearl jewelry, Wal-Mart and flea market.

I find this dress to be one of my more daring purchases because of the low waist and tiny belt, but I really love the classic lines (although I must admit, I cut out the shoulder pads).

As far as life goes, I'm having a bit of a pg scare as my monthly visitor, of whom I complained about vehemently last month, is about half a month late. I'm not obsessing about it because if I did, I think I'd drive myself nuts. Wouldn't that be ironic though? That as soon as I stopped wanting one, I got one. But it's probably just my funny cycle, and I guess I'll bite the bullet and test this weekend. But there's something nice about not knowing, yes? I get to live in this kind of "what if" fantasy world. The only bad thing in my fantasy world - having to tell my parents. I guess they raised me right...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday Biggest Loser Review

So the green team was the first to bite the dust on Biggest Loser last night. I really liked them, but I was glad the orange team stayed, if only for the selfish reason that they're fellow North Carolinians. And because Heba, the orange girl, is heavy and I really want to see what she can do. And I want her to see what she can do.

But the green team was nice, and they looked great in the after-show afters.

I'm trying to pick my favorites, but it's hard. I keep gravitating towards the pink team if only because Ali won last year and was a pink. But I also really like the yellow team because Coleen won the first challenge - she really pushed it and beat everyone, which is great, and she's there with her dad. I'm a bonafide daddy's girl and I'm trying to get my own dad to lose weight with me.

But I'm so thrilled to have this show back. It's a huge motivator. After watching it, I felt like I should go run around the block. But it was 10:00 at night and I was super tired, so I just went to sleep. Hmm. Anyway. My new favorite quote from Jillian is: "Unless you faint, puke, or die, keep walking." I can apply that to me in so many ways: working out, working in general, writing. Just keep doing it.

And hopefully there will be no fainting, puking, or dying.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hasta la Vista

UNC Class of 2007 T-shirt; leggings, Wal-Mart; sunnies, Fossil; shoes (not pictured), Nike (on sale at Kohl's).

Since I'm not wearing anything of interest today (or this week, for that matter), I thought I'd grace you with a lovely picture of my gym duds (sans shoes) from last night in honor of the long-awaited premiere of Biggest Loser: Families. I am super-psyched.

In other news, I started the part-time cashier thing on Saturday and was miserable. The manager only showed up in the morning and kind of showed me how to work the register and then left. I am the kind of person that likes to be shown stuff. I wanted him to show me, not tell me. Some people learn by listening, some by doing. I learn by example. No matter! He left me for the whole day (thank GOD bf's sister was there or I would have curled up into a fetal position underneath the counter, no doubt) with promises that he'd come back at 5:00 to show me how to cash out. He came back at about 5:40 and was seriously hammered. Within a couple of feet of him, I could smell beer. And so he was counting out the cash and came up about $15 short. When I pointed out that he didn't count the change and that he should let me doublecheck since it's my reputation on the line, he said no and told me I could go home. I left feeling like a chastized dog. Not how one wants to feel after your first day on the job.

Because I'm not a quitter, I'm going to give it another go this weekend, but if it still sucks, well, adios amigos.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Un-Love Letter

Dear Boyfriend,

We need to clear something up, in case there was ever any misunderstanding - there is NOT a house-cleaning, laundry-doing, dish-washing, vacuuming, toilet-cleaning fairy. If there were one, who do you think it would be? That's right, Me. Your mother may be glad to slave over a hot stove for her one and only son and then faithfully pick up and clean the dishes, then pick up your clothes off of the dining room table because you were too lazy to take five more steps to the bedroom, then wipe your hair bits out of the sink, and then take out the trash that has been fermenting outside the front door for TWO DAYS waiting for you to pick it up and drop it into the dumpster on the other side of the building. Like I said - not your mother. I DO this stuff, but I am not GLAD to do it. In fact, I do it only because if I did not do it, we would be living in what my father calls a "pig sty."

This would not bother me so much if I was not working and you were. But as it is, this week is raining, which means you get free time. Lots of it. I have not had free time since my vacation in June. I work 7:30-6:00. I come home and clean up after you, and what is left? Certainly not time. You worked 8-12. Then went to lunch with your buddies. Then pissed around on the internet for who knows how long. Then went to your mother's house because you were too lazy to cook for yourself. Then came home half an hour after me and pissed around on the computer some more WHILE I SCRUBBED THE BATHROOM.

The moral of the story is this: Get off your lazy ass and help me. Yes, you are cute, and yes, I do love you, but I did not sign up to have a twenty-something year old son. If you have any questions or concerns, please keep them to yourself, because I am too busy to deal with it.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Naked Skirt

Black button-up sleeveless top, Wal-Mart; belt and skirt, thrifted; gold and pink almost-flats, Payless; neckless, Guess (thrifted).

This skirt is a very lightweight cotton and is shorter than I am typically okay with. But it's super comfortable. In a moment of fear before I walked out the door, I did end up throwing on black cropped leggings.

Those of you who are SATC fanatics may recognize in my title the reference to Carrie's naked dress. Disclaimer: I am in no way attempting to compare myself or this cheap little skirt to SJP or SATC. And worship the show though I do, I have yet to see the movie. The flea market guys are already offering up a hot DVD of it, but I am waiting out for the real thing, at which time I will gladly curl up on my couch with some health-conscious pop corn and, yes, a cosmopolitan.
In other news -

I am pretty sure it's that special time of the month, because my weight shot up inexplicably. I am trying to talk myself into sucking it up and going to weighin this weekend anyway, but I do believe I will declare myself chicken shit and not go.

I got a very, very parttime job working as a cashier at a Mexican joint downtown - very hip (the place, not the job). I am only doing Saturdays from 10-6, and only then because I get to work with bf's sister. Truth is, I haven't even gone in the restaurant since maybe sophomore year, and even then, I really didn't like the food. So - we will see. My first day is this weekend, hopefully I can remember where the front door is.

I am proud of myself for having buckled down this week. I'm going to try to go for quantity, not quality (kind of the theory behind NaNoWriMo) and just get something done.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Poor Lighting

Top, Cato (thrifted); belt, H&M (thrifted); trousers, Ross; black pumps, Isaac Mizrahi (Target); earrings, Target.

In spite of the bad lighting and my unfortunate after-work hair and make-up, I am posting this outfit because I really liked it. I'm new to the world of having-a-waist so it's always exciting to remember that I can use it. Also, I made a small attempt at pattern mixing. The top has white polka dots (as do the earrings) and the belt is black and white checks. I just thought it was fun.

I never particularly thought of myself as a tall person, but apparently I am, because all pants are super short on me. I look like I'm preparing for a flood, which would have been more appropriate this past weekend when we got a good downpour from tropical storm Hanna.

I fell off of the bandwagon - and rolled around for a while - but am finally trying to hitch a ride back on. I'm still lingering at the 50-55 pounds lost mark, but I hope to say goodbye to it - and sixty pounds - this month.

I don't know how it is that people actually finish writing a novel. I am so intimidated by the thought that I can't even fathom it. But I find that by working diligently, I am making more and more progress. A couple of pages a day and eventually it will be over, right?

So here's to writing, eating well, and not falling asleep at work.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Puppy Love

So for a "fashion and weightloss" blogger, I find myself to be quite the failure. Again, yet another post that has to do with neither topics, but rather with my animals, for whom I am feeling particularly affectionate today. Introductions? Yes. The light brown lady on the very left is my Ruby, flyball dog extraordinaire. Beside her is my Bear, swimming champion. Behind them is my brother's girl Marley, frisbee dog with a curly-q tail like no other. The wiry animal is Ziggy, a boxerdoodle (I kid you not). Finally, the giant lab is Jake, who has recently lost forty pounds (see his little tiny waist!). The last two both belong to my parents, although perhaps mostly to my mother, since my dad, after the death of our last dog, declared himself happy to be an empty-nester and didn't want anything to take care of except himself and some coy in his pond. Now, of course, they have my brother's dog and the two on the right, and a cat who won't leave them alone.

Why do I love my dogs? Let me count the ways:
1) They are smart enough to hide under the bed when bf and I get into a major row;
2) They are brave enough to poke their heads out and come comfort me (only after I've thrown bf's keys against the door jam, shattering his car's remote into a million itty bitty pieces);
3) They are always excited and willing to get into the car with me and go wherever I take them - no fuss, just happy butts;
4) I don't have to convince them to spend time with me;
5) Even if I smack them around or yell at them, they're always first to say they're sorry (in their own doggy way with a happily beating tail and hot breath);
6) They are first to jump into the front seat as we stalk bf or ex-bf, as the mood strikes;
7) They do not judge me for stalking either one;
8) They do not call me a crazy bitch for thinking that bf is cheating on me or that I should have stayed with ex-bf, who ultimately used me and stole from me (but things always look brighter when something else looks dim, yes?);
9) It's like it says in Shiloh: "Funny thing is, you’ve got yourself a dog, you sometimes feel like you don’t need anyone else. Nobody else loves you as much as a dog. Except your ma, maybe."

They really do help to take the sting out of things and put other things into perspective. And they don't even know it. All they're doing is being natural.

If only everything were that easy.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Meme (en espanol)

I stole this meme from La Bruja. Check her out, she's gorgeous.

14 cosas que me hacen feliz

1) Jugar con mis dos perros, o salir con ellos, especialmente cuando se tratan bien;
2) Escribir otra pagina de una de mis historias, porque eso se me trae una pagina mas cerca al fin;
3) Encontrar un hermoso vestido o camisa por muy poco dinero y de un tamaño más pequeño;
4) Ir a visitar a mi familia;
5) Leer un buen libro - no tiene que ser dificil, para nada, mejor que sea chistoso;
6) Cenar con mis amigas, porque cuando voy mucho tiempo sin ellas, se me olvida que es reirme hasta que me duele la pansita;
7) Salir con el novio, aunque sea solo por ir a cargar gas en su camioneta, solo me encanta pasar tiempo bueno con el;
8) Ir a la cita de WeightWatchers cada sabado y escuchar las historias de las senoras que tambien estan sufriendo y perseverando como yo;
9) Una noche fria abajo de una colcha con mi novio;
10) Pasar tiempo con mis cuñadas, porque ya me siento que somos familia;
11) Llegar a la casa y encontrar que mi novio ya esta alli esperandome con la puerta abierta y la casa limpia (eso es muy raro, te digo);
12) El olor del perfume del novio;
13) Llevar a mi perro Bear a nadar en un lago en la madrugada cuando se me hace que somos los unicos despierto en todo la ciudad, y verlo todo feliz estar suelto;
14) Imaginar mi vida en el futuro.

¿Que era de tu vida?

....Hace 20 años..... Era una niña celosa con un nuevo hermanito.
....Hace 10 años..... Estaba en el 8th año de la escuela con mi primer novio. Luego, cuando nos rompimos, se fue gritando feliz que ya estaba libre. Pendejo era porque ahora esta casado con unos niños y yo soy la que esta libre. Jaja!
....Hace 5 años..... Estaba empezando el nuevo capitulo de mi vida en la universidad, encontrando mi libertad y mi lugar en ese mundo que todavia estoy buscando hoy.
....Hace 1 año..... Me graduaba de la universidad y encontre ese trabajo que tengo hoy como asistente de abogado.
.....Ayer..... Comi cena yo solita mientras que la comida de mi novio se enfriaba esperandole. Y sabes donde estaba? Con su mama, aunque sabia que la comida era lista. Eso es lo que pasa cuando sales con un hijo de mami. (Estoy todavia enojada.)
.....Hoy..... Trabajando, como siempre, y buscandome tiempo que puedo robar para escribir.

Ahora le nomino a todos quien lee ese blog (aunque creo que soy la unica!).
