Thursday, October 9, 2008

Biggest Loser (Thursday) Update

Tuesday's BL was cut short because of the debate, so they did the eliminations last night.

I have to tell you, I am so tired of Coleen being at the bottom. I know I bitch about this every week but that's because she seems to work so hard and she can't get out of the slump. But the elimination of Ed was kind of sad, too, considering that his wife, Heba, lost 8 pounds! In ONE WEEK! But Ed lost 0. Which put them below the yellow line and having to choose between themselves as to who stays and who goes. They decided to have Heba stay because she needs to lose weight to have kids, which I so understand (hence my own weightloss journey). But Ed's 'transformation' preview is awesome. He looks freakin' amazing.

I know I've been saying this for a long time, but I really need to get back into the groove. And I'm going to. Starting today. Not tomorrow, not Monday. TODAY. I've got to watch what I eat, write it all down, and exercise. And I am going to hold myself accountable right here, on this blog.

Weightloss (total daily points: 29)
Breakfast: Because I ate a big dinner last night, I was going to try to control myself this morning, and I did alright, but ended up eating my snack for later in the car on the drive to work. Oops. Apple (1), Chewy LF granola bars (4) = 5 points

Morning Snack: I eat lunch late (around 2:00), so I need something to tide me over. Light string cheese (1) = 1 point

Lunch: Lean Pocket garlic chicken pizza (7), high fiber cottage cheese (1), grapes (1), apple (1), orange (1) = 11 points

Exercise: Gotta go to the gym for BodyJam tonight. = +4 points (1 point per 100 calories)

Dinner: Don't know yet. I've got 12 points left if I don't "eat" my activity points. BF is probably going to eat at his mother's so I'll be on my own (which is always an adventure). I'll probably go with ... pork fajitas with whole wheat tortillas. I'll have to figure out the points at home, but I think it will come out to 8 if I remember correctly. And for dessert, two pecan cookies (delish and totally worth the 4 points). = 12 points.

I also want to write more again. Nanowrimo starts soon so I will jump on that bandwagon, also, in November.

I may be behind the times on this one, but I have just discovered books on tape at the library. My daily commute is about one hour (total, not one way), and radio and music, to be honest, kind of bores me. So I picked up Janet Evanovich's One for the Money. I have read the entire Stephanie Plum series, but considering it's been fourteen books since I read the first one, it's like discovering a new one. And there are voices to go along with it. Granted, the woman reading it sounds more like a fifty year old than a thirty year old firecracker from New Jersey, and her man voices (except for dad's) sound like teenage boys - but still, it's entertaining. I also picked up Sarah Dessen's The Truth About Forever, which I have also read before, but think it will be interesting to have read to me on my daily commutes.

I picked up some black zip-up ankle boots with four-inch heels at Ross' for twenty bucks this past weekend. Today is my first day wearing them. I love them. The heel is thick so they don't leave divets on the floor (boss' pet peeve numero uno). And they don't seem to hurt. Yet. But let me not speak too soon. They're called Picasso by Madeline Stuart but I'm guessing they're out of season so they're not on the website.

Okay, time to get to work. I just heard the boss' car pull in. Hasta luego!


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