Friday, October 17, 2008

The Honest Blogger Award

The beautiful Caroline over at Secondhand Shopper actually gave me an award. Baffled, I am. I stalk her blog all the time (not a big commenter), so I’m super-psyched. I feel like I should give a speech. But I will refrain, and instead proceed to nominate my own picks for brilliant blogs.

The rules are as follows: When you receive the price you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional). List (if you can and/or dare) at least ten honest things about yourself. And then pass it on.

My seven:

Kasmira at What I Wore Today
Londyn at BlogFashion
Jane at Work That Wardrobe
Boutique Girl at Things a Boutique Owner Sees
La Bruja at La Bruja del Cuento
Sarah Dessen at her writer’s blog
Meghann at Thrifty Fashionista

Ten Honest Things About Me

1. To avoid looking into mirrors, I will walk into bathrooms backwards.

2. I am still surprised when sometimes I do look in the mirror and am not completely disgusted.

3. I hate working 9 to 5 and really am quite disappointed with myself that I have allowed it to come to this, and even more disappointed to find that I am quite good at what I do.

4. If it weren’t for my undying need for my parents’ approval, I would have married my boyfriend years ago and we would have already started a family.

5. Sometimes I just want to pack my bag, grab my dogs, and leave everything and everyone behind. I have a feeling a lot of people daydream about this, but I come pretty darn close to doing it about once a year.

6. I regret not traveling abroad during college. I sometimes resent my boyfriend for this but I know it’s not his fault. I have no one to blame but myself.

7. I stopped at a yard sale last weekend and the family was, to put it unkindly, typical white trash. I was only slightly dismayed to find that I was at my most comfortable talking to them. It seemed to be where I fit best. My mother would have a heartattack, seeing as how her whole family is a bunch of rednecks, and we moved 10 hours away to avoid the same fate. Some things are just there from birth, I suppose.

8. I suffer from people-phobia. I much prefer a quiet night at home with a good book, a good TV show, and my dogs, to a night out on the town.

9. I also suffer from severe anxiety. I worry so excessively about inane things like how I’m going to find parking when I go to work on Saturday, that I drive myself to tears. This is also why I am a blog stalker rather than a blog commenter, because after I comment, I fret for days about why I bothered to, figuratively speaking, open my big mouth.

10. I want to be a professional writer but I have a mental block – I have never been able to finish a book. Sometimes, I think I read to avoid writing. It’s easy to get great ideas or to admire someone else’s style. It is a completely different thing to do it yourself.



Kasmira said...

Oh thanks! You are too sweet. :)

Anonymous said...

Teehee - got another one for you!

I've awarded you the "I love your blog" award - y'know, because I love reading yer blog!

If you want to hand it on the deets are on mine.


Anonymous said...

I completely empathise on the book writing thing. In fact, I set up a blog to track my book writing progress, mainly with the hoping that it would convince me to keep going. So far I am still procrastinating like mad.

Kudos for such an honest and absorbing blog, I shall definitely come back!